sleep around im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für sleep around im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.sleep [Brit sliːp, Am slip] SUBST

1. sleep:

II.sleep <Past/Part Perf slept> [Brit sliːp, Am slip] VERB trans

III.sleep <Past/Part Perf slept> [Brit sliːp, Am slip] VERB intr

I.around [Brit əˈraʊnd, Am əˈraʊnd] ADV Around often appears as the second element of certain verb structures (come around, look around, turn around etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (come, look, turn etc.). - Go around and get around generate many idiomatic expressions: for translations see the entries go, and get.

II.around [Brit əˈraʊnd, Am əˈraʊnd] PRÄP round Brit

III.around [Brit əˈraʊnd, Am əˈraʊnd]

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Übersetzungen für sleep around im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

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