Englisch » Deutsch

I . dear [dɪəʳ, Am dɪr] ADJ

2. dear (in letters):

Dear Mr Jones, ...
Sehr geehrter Herr Jones, ... form
Dear Mr Jones, ...

II . dear [dɪəʳ, Am dɪr] ADV

III . dear [dɪəʳ, Am dɪr] INTERJ dated ugs

IV . dear [dɪəʳ, Am dɪr] SUBST

2. dear (term of endearment):

Liebste(r) f(m)
Liebling m <-s, -e>
yes, dearest, anything you say iron scherzh
my dearest

old ˈdear SUBST

1. old dear (patronizing address):

2. old dear (affectionate address):

Liebste <-n, -n> kein Art
Liebes kein Art

dear money SUBST FINMKT


Dear ˈJohn let·ter SUBST

Abschiedsbrief m <-(e)s, -e>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

my dearest
his nearest and dearest scherzh
seine Lieben scherzh
yes, dearest, anything you say iron scherzh
he's one of my dearest friends

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was the dearest of my dear sons, she lamented.
From 1994 to 1998 it was renovated, for which the faades smalt-blue colour, which at the time the house was built was the dearest colour, was reconstituted.
Eventually achieved his dearest wish and extinguished a fire when he sat on his own dangerously burning chip-pan, but ruined chips and lost his own life.
The land is the dearest thing that we have.

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