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de·fence, Am de·fense [dɪˈfen(t)s] SUBST

1. defence against +Akk:

defence (of person)
Schutz m <-es> gegen +Akk
defence (of country)
Verteidigung f <-, -en>
all I can say, in defence of my actions, is ...
he spoke in defence of civil rights
ministry of defenceBrit
Verteidigungsministerium nt <-s, -ministerien>

2. defence JUR:

Verteidigung f <-, -en>
witness for the defence
witness for the defence
Entlastungszeuge(-zeugin) m (f) <-n, -n; -, -nen>
to conduct the defence

3. defence JUR (arguments):

Klageerwiderung f <-, -en>
Einspruch m <-s, -sprü·che>
Einsprache f <-, -en> CH
to file a defence

4. defence (document):

Klageerwiderung f <-, -en>

5. defence SPORT:

to play in [or Am on]defence
to use a defenceSCHACH

6. defence PSYCHO:

Abwehrmechanismus m <-, -mechanismen>

civ·il de·ˈfence, CD SUBST no pl

de·ˈfence coun·sel SUBST JUR

defence counsel
Verteidiger(in) m (f) <-s, ->

de·ˈfence docu·ment SUBST WIRTSCH, FIN

de·ˈfence law·yer SUBST JUR

defence lawyer
Strafverteidiger(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>

de·ˈfence mech·an·ism SUBST ANAT, PSYCHO

defence mechanism
Abwehrmechanismus m <-, -mechanismen>

De·ˈfence Min·is·ter SUBST

Defence Minister
Verteidigungsminister(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>

De·ˈfence Sec·re·tary SUBST

ˈspace de·fence SUBST no pl

external defence SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

defence minister
Verteidigungsminister(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>
Defence Secretary Brit
Verteidigungsminister(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>
stiffening defence SPORT
national defence
air defence
to reserve one's defence
counsel for the defence
Verteidiger(in) m (f) <-s, ->
to organize a defence
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to file a defence
to use a defenceSCHACH
witness for the defence
to conduct the defence
ministry of defenceBrit
iron-clad defence
anti-missile defence
defence [or Am defense]mechanism
Abwehrmechanismus m <-, -mechanismen>
Entlastungs-/Belastungszeuge(-zeugin) m (f)
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He covered over twenty wars and insurgencies and wrote extensively on international relations, defence and strategic problems.
And the victims are unable to organize in defence of their own interests.
In 1973 policy concerns included economics, employment, defence, energy (fuel) supplies, land tenure, pollution and social security, as then seen within an ecological perspective.
Here he focused on defence and social affairs.
The barbican with its own gate and portcullis added an extra line of defence between the main entrance gate and the keep.
He published, in 1812, a pamphlet in defence of that society.
Only a small portion of the southern defences fell into the enemy hands.
They were examined in the presence of the prisoner, who was allowed to cross-examine them and to call witnesses in his own defence.
Vixens are very protective of their kits, and have been known to even fight off terriers in their defence.
With the introduction of gunpowder in the 15th century, additional defences were required.

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