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I . ex·ami·na·tion [ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən] SUBST

1. examination (test):

Prüfung f <-, -en>
examination UNIV
Examen nt <-s, ->
to fail an examination
to pass/sit/take an examination

2. examination (investigation):

Untersuchung f <-, -en>
customs examination WIRTSCH
Zollkontrolle f <-, -n>
examination of the evidence
research examination
on closer examination

3. examination MED:

Untersuchung f <-, -en>
to undergo a medical examination
post-mortem examination
Obduktion f <-, -en>
post-mortem examination
Autopsie f <-, -n>
to have [or undergo] an examination

4. examination (questioning):

examination suspect, prisoner
Vernehmung f <-, -en>
examination suspect, prisoner
Verhör nt <-(e)s, -e>
examination suspect, prisoner
Einvernahme f <-, -n> CH
examination witness
Zeugenvernehmung f <-, -en>
examination witness

II . ex·ami·na·tion [ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən] SUBST modifier

examination (questions, results, certificate):

examination paper

examination SUBST WIRECHT


cross-ex·ami·ˈna·tion SUBST

ˈcus·toms ex·ami·na·tion SUBST

customs examination
Zollkontrolle f <-, -n>
to be subjected to a customs examination
to be subjected to a customs examination

ˈen·trance ex·ami·na·tion SUBST

entrance examination
Aufnahmeprüfung f <-, -en>

ex·ami·ˈna·tion board SUBST

examination board
Prüfungsausschuss m <-es, -schüsse>
examination board
Prüfungskommission f <-, -en> A, CH

ex·ter·nal ex·ami·ˈna·tion SUBST

external examination

medi·cal ex·ami·ˈna·tion SUBST

physi·cal ex·ami·ˈna·tion SUBST

post·mor·tem ex·ami·ˈna·tion SUBST MED

postmortem examination
Obduktion f <-, -en>
postmortem examination
Autopsie f <-, -n>

ultrasound examination SUBST

bank examination SUBST STAAT

bank examination

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

examination certificate
research examination
direct examination
customs examination WIRTSCH
Zollkontrolle f <-, -n>
examination paper
rectal examination
to be under examination
to invigilate an examination
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Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Daily, between 450 and 500 persons sought out the Gestapo Headquarters :

some tried to obtain information on the fate of their arrested relatives, most were summoned for witness examinations resp. warnings.

In total, 40,000 to 50,000 individuals were listed in the files of the Vienna Headquarters.


von 450 bis 500 Personen :

manche versuchten, Auskunft über das Schicksal verhafteter Angehöriger zu erhalten, die meisten wurden zwecks Zeugeneinvernahme bzw. Verwarnung vorgeladen.

Insgesamt wurden von der Leitstelle Wien 40.000 bis 50.000 Menschen karteimäßig erfasst.


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