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Übersetzungen für ‘brought im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

brought [Brit brɔːt, Am brɔt] VERB Past VERB Part Perf

brought → bring

Siehe auch: bring

I.bring <Prät, Part Passé brought> [Brit brɪŋ, Am brɪŋ] VERB trans

1. bring (convey, carry):

have you brought your camera?
the wind brought the tree down
you brought it on yourself

3. bring (lead, draw):

I brought him to the ground

II.to bring oneself to do VERB refl

I.bring <Prät, Part Passé brought> [Brit brɪŋ, Am brɪŋ] VERB trans

1. bring (convey, carry):

have you brought your camera?
the wind brought the tree down
you brought it on yourself

3. bring (lead, draw):

I brought him to the ground

II.to bring oneself to do VERB refl

I.bring up VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring up [sth], bring [sth] up)

II.bring up VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring up [sb], bring [sb] up)

I.bring together VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring together [sth/sb], bring [sth/sb] together)

I.bring forward VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring forward [sth], bring [sth] forward)

I.bring on VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring on [sth], bring [sth] on)

II.bring on VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring on [sb], bring [sb] on)

I.bring in VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring in [sth])

II.bring in VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring in [sth], bring [sth] in)

III.bring in VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring in [sb], bring [sb] in)

I.bring back VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring back [sth], bring [sth] back)

I.bring down VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring down [sth], bring [sth] down)

II.bring down VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring [sb] down) ugs

I.bring out VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring out [sth], bring [sth] out)

II.bring out VERB [Brit brɪŋ -, Am brɪŋ -] (bring out [sb], bring [sb] out)

‘brought im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für ‘brought im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

brought Part Perf, Past of bring

Siehe auch: bring



bring around PHRVB bring round

Siehe auch: bring round

‘brought Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

well brought up
I brought the box into the house
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Area residents have complained about the gridlock caused by the visitors, as well as about the increased media scrutiny the show has brought.
As soon as she did, she was so happy she went out and brought a gramme straight away.
The husbands families often request certain gifts, unlike in the past when guests brought gifts they had chosen.
All brought a new aggressiveness to their commands and were desirous of attacking the hydroelectric plants.
On his first disembarkation in the island he brought one pregnant doe-rabbit that escaped and its progeny overran the island in a few years.
It was originally planned these would become obligatory in sales only from 2013, but this was brought forward in the ENE environment law this year.
My grandmother - who brought me up - would buy my clothes from there, and the rest were hand-me-downs from my brother.
The incessant warfare between the two factions brought tin mine production to a standstill.
He pursued and brought them back to the city, and the plundered property was restored to its rightful owner.
These brought again simpler lyrics and music, some funky elements which later appeared on subsequent albums.

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