cast off im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für cast off im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

II.cast off VERB [kɑːst -] (cast off [sth], cast [sth] off)

II.cast-off [Brit ˈkɑːstɒf, Am ˈkæstɑf] ADJ

Übersetzungen für cast off im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.cast1 [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] SUBST

II.cast1 <Past/Part Perf cast> [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] VERB trans

III.cast1 <Past/Part Perf cast> [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] VERB intr FISCH

I.cast2 [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] SUBST

II.cast2 <Past/Part Perf cast> [Brit kɑːst, Am kæst] VERB trans [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] PRÄP Off is often found as the second element in verb combinations (fall off, run off etc.) and in offensive interjections (clear off etc.): for translations consult the appropriate verb entry (fall, run, clear etc.). - Off is used in certain expressions such as off limits, off piste etc.: translations for these will be found under the noun entry (limit, piste etc.). - For other uses of off, see this entry. [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] ADV [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] ADJ [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] SUBST ugs (start) [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] INTERJ

cast off im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für cast off im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für cast off im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für cast off im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

My mind cast off its former bonds and my early bewilderment recurred.
One of these ships had a leak in the hull and was forced to cast off.
Son then cast off her nice girl image in her next projects.
In either case, the resting eggs are protected by a hardened coat called the "ephippium", and are cast off at the female's next moult.
Inside the tissue they cast off their hooks and instead develop a protective cuticular shell, called cyst.
He runs a clandestine transmogrification service for people who want to cast off their old selves, flesh and all.
And this led to a desire to cast off the old ways, to break all the rules, to find new directions and new freedoms.
Some of the film's cast was made up of non-professionals cast off the street.
A boy, ten years old, is among their company, but they leave him behind and cast off.
The sparks cast off by passing steam trains set off massive forest fires.

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