fair game im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für fair game im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.fair1 [Brit fɛː, Am fɛr] ADJ

1. fair (just, reasonable):

II.fair1 [Brit fɛː, Am fɛr] ADV

fair2 [Brit fɛː, Am fɛr] SUBST

I.game1 [Brit ɡeɪm, Am ɡeɪm] SUBST

III.game1 [Brit ɡeɪm, Am ɡeɪm] ADJ

game2 [Brit ɡeɪm, Am ɡeɪm] ADJ (lame)

fair game im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für fair game im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

II.game1 [geɪm] ADJ ugs (willing)

game2 [geɪm] SUBST (in hunting)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Beyond current events and everyday questions just about anything is fair game he professes a marked interest in cars, motorcycles, and computer technology.
First, the premises of an argument even ones considered beyond questioning are always fair game.
The gambler playing a fair game (with 0.5 probability of winning) will eventually either go broke or double his wealth.
In a fair game, this provided the only house edge.
In some areas, coyote are considered fair game when hunting with foxhounds, even if they are not the intended species being hunted.
Only the children are off limits, everything else, from careers to prized possessions, is fair game.
Here, religion is singled out as fair game for expression and criticism alike.
Historically, any person who did not believe in any deity supported by the state was fair game to accusations of atheism, a capital crime.
Anything left in the space is considered fair game for anybody to play with.
It's at this point where the calf is fair game once again.

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