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cus·tom [ˈkʌstəm] SUBST

1. custom (tradition):

Sitte f <-, -n>
local custom
Gepflogenheit f <-, -en>
around here it's a local custom to ...
hier [bei uns] ist es Brauch, ...
an ancient custom

2. custom no pl (usual behaviour):

Gewohnheit f <-, -en>
it is her custom to ...
as is sb's custom
custom of the trade
Usance f <-, -n>

cus·tom ˈclothes SUBST

custom clothes Pl esp Am:

custom clothes

mercantile custom SUBST MKT-WB


ˈcus·tom(s) house SUBST

custom(s) house
Zollamt nt <-(e)s, -ämter>

custom of the trade SUBST MKT-WB


custom tariff laws SUBST WIRECHT


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Alienware TactX mouse The Alienware TactX premium gaming mouse allows you to set up, customize and save macros to the mouse ’ s on-board memory for true plug-and-play performance.


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