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I . suit [su:t] SUBST

1. suit:

Anzug m <-(e)s, -züge-(e)s> kein pl
suit (for women)
Kostüm nt <-s, -e>
dress suit
Abendanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
pin-stripe suit
Nadelstreifenanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
Dreiteiler m <-s, ->
trouser suitBrit [or pant suit Am]
Hosenanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>

2. suit (for sports):

Anzug m <-(e)s, -züge-(e)s> kein pl
Bade-/Taucher-/Skianzug m

3. suit (covering):

suit of armour [or Am armor]
suit of armour [or Am armor]
Harnisch m <-(e)s, -e>

4. suit NAUT:


5. suit usu pl ugs (executive):

Führungskraft f <-, -kräfte>

6. suit KARTEN:

Farbe f <-, -n>
to follow suit
to follow suit

7. suit JUR:

Verfahren nt <-s, ->
Rechtsstreit m <-(e)s, -e>
to bring [or Am usu file] a suit
to bring [or Am usu file] a suit

8. suit (act of courting):

to pay suit to sb

9. suit liter poet (entreaty):

Flehen nt


to follow suit form
to follow suit form

II . suit [su:t] VERB trans

2. suit (choose):

to suit oneself
suit yourself scherzh or abw
[ganz,] wie du willst scherzh o abw
suit yourself scherzh or abw
mach, was du willst abw

ˈbirth·day suit SUBST

to appear in one's birthday suit euph
im Adams-/Evaskostüm erscheinen ugs scherzh
to wear [or be in] one's birthday suit ugs scherzh euph

ˈboil·er suit SUBST Brit, Aus

boiler suit
Overall m <-s, -s>

class ˈsuit SUBST JUR

class suit
Gruppenklage f <-, -n>

ˈdiv·ing suit SUBST

diving suit
Taucheranzug m <-(e)s, -züge>

dress ˈsuit SUBST

dress suit
Abendanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
dress suit
Smoking m <-s, -s>

ˈjog·ging suit SUBST

jogging suit
jogging suit
CH a. Trainer m

ˈlong suit SUBST

1. long suit KARTEN:

long suit

2. long suit (skill):

long suit

ˈlounge suit SUBST Brit

lounge suit
Straßenanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
lounge suit

mal·ˈprac·tice suit SUBST

ˈmon·key suit SUBST ugs

1. monkey suit (full-dress suit):

monkey suit
Smoking m <-s, -s>
monkey suit
Gesellschaftsanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
sich Akk in Schale werfen ugs

2. monkey suit (uniform):

monkey suit
Uniform f <-, -en>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

trouser suitBrit [or pant suit Am]
Hosenanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
Maßanzug m <-s, -züge>
suit yourself scherzh or abw
[ganz,] wie du willst scherzh o abw
paternity suit
dress suit
Abendanzug m <-(e)s, -züge>
Holocaust suit JUR
rubber suit
rumpled suit
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These editions used the same text but included additional content, layout, colours, and typography to suit the targeted audience.
They are unable to climb out; the limiting factor is time as the teacher is enclosed in a suit with a finite oxygen supply.
In such (copyright) cases, prevailing defendants seeking recompense were bound to show that the original suit was frivolous or made in bad faith.
Gray's empty boiler suit and mask are on a stand on stage throughout the set which is emblazoned at times with his band number: two.
Town coats had stiff, puckered backs while a narrow cropped pants suit looked sharp and modern.
During the short hearing he stood with his head down, hands clasped in front of him, wearing a blue boiler suit.
The ground floor soon followed suit as there was a lack of commercial uptake.
The other states, however, did not follow suit and several rejected the notion that states could nullify federal law.
Her fiance wore a lounge suit.
The character is depicted as wearing a domino mask either with a green suit and bowler hat, or a green unitard with question mark prints.

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