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Übersetzungen für envy im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . envy [ˈenvi] SUBST no pl

1. envy (feeling):

envy of
Neid m <-s [o. -es]> auf +Akk
to feel envy towards sb

2. envy (enviable person/thing):


to be green with envy

II . envy <-ie-> [ˈenvi] VERB trans

to envy sb sth [or sb for sth]
jdn um etw Akk beneiden geh
to envy sb sth [or sb for sth]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, he was well aware of the latent suspicion for foreigners mixed with envy, with which his success was viewed by some.
The characters of the book all have a problem to overcome, such as jealousy, envy, or greed.
The images of snow, clouds and light-situations gave him the envy to study structure, space, movement and time.
Lyrics focussed on themes such as relationships, envy and self-assessment.
We're still home to innovation and technology, colleges and universities that are the envy of the world.
Since most of society finds wealth and power desirable they respect or envy people that have more than they do.
The far enemies of joy are jealousy and envy, two mind-states in obvious opposition.
In addition, if the player places a minimum $5 side bet, he may be entitled to an envy bonus.
Soon they understood that their riches would become the envy of others, and took the only possible decision.
Greed and envy blinds many people, and they forget their good traditions and life as good neighbors.

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