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I . streak [stri:k] SUBST

1. streak:

streak (line)
Streifen m <-s, ->
streak (mark of colour)
Spur f <-, -en>
streak (on window)
Schliere f <-, -n>
streak of blood
Blutspur f <-, -en>

2. streak (strip):

Strahl m <-(e)s, -en>
Streif m <-(e)s, -e> liter
streak of light
Lichtstrahl m <-(e)s, -en>
streak of lightning
Blitz m <-es, -e>
streak of lightning
Blitzstrahl m <-(e)s, -en> geh
like a streak [of lightning] übtr

3. streak (coloured hair):

Mèches pl CH

4. streak (character tendency):

Ader f <-, -n> übtr
a streak of sth
a streak of madness

5. streak (run of fortune):

Strähne f <-, -n>
losing streak
Pechsträhne f <-, -n>
lucky/winning streak
Glückssträhne f <-, -n>
to be on a winning streak

III . streak [stri:k] VERB intr

1. streak (move very fast):

flitzen ugs
to streak ahead übtr
to streak across the street
to streak past the window

2. streak ugs (run naked in public):


ˈlos·ing streak SUBST

losing streak
Pechsträhne f <-, -n>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

losing streak
Pechsträhne f <-, -n>
a streak of madness
streak of lightning
Blitzstrahl m <-(e)s, -en> geh
streak of light
Lichtstrahl m <-(e)s, -en>
streak of blood
Blutspur f <-, -en>
a cruel streak
lucky/winning streak
Glückssträhne f <-, -n>
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Though he continues to play, and extends his consecutive-game streak to a seemingly insurmountable record, his physical condition continues its inexorable decline.
Plasterboard, also known as dry wall is the common type used to streak stud dividing, ceilings and used in dry lining.
The following week, he ran his streak of double doubles to four to earn back-to-back player of the week honors.
He had been unable to sleep off the pain of going through the worst losing streak of his career.
Tantalite is black to brown in both color and streak.
She likes to think of herself as a tomboy, but her attractive looks and rebellious streak finds her many admirers.
The forewings are brownish strigulated with blackish, with a broad snow-white streak occupying the dorsal half of the wing.
The face takes the must-have chronograph detail to sleek new levels and maintains that minimal streak through the indices and hands.
Known for his pugnacious streak, he trained as a boxer from childhood.
The difference is a broad streak of self-consciousness, but it rarely takes the fun out of the songs.

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