after im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für after im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] ADV As both adverb and preposition, after is translated in most contexts by après: after the meal = après le repas; H comes after G = H vient après G; day after day = jour après jour; just after 3 pm = juste après 15 heures; three weeks after = trois semaines après.
When after is used as a conjunction it is translated by après avoir (or être) + past participle where the two verbs have the same subject: after I've finished my book, I'll cook dinner = après avoir fini mon livre je vais préparer le dîner; after he had consulted Bill ou after consulting Bill, he decided to accept the offer = après avoir consulté Bill, il a décidé d'accepter l'offre.
When the two verbs have different subjects the translation is après que + indicative: I'll lend you the book after Fred has read it = je te prêterai le livre après que Fred l'aura lu.
For more examples and particular usages see the entry below.
See also the usage note on time units .

II.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] PRÄP

III.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] KONJ

Siehe auch: fashion [Brit ˈfaʃ(ə)n, Am ˈfæʃən] SUBST

2. fashion (vogue, trend):

à la mode [Brit ˈfaʃ(ə)n, Am ˈfæʃən] VERB trans

I.ask after VERB [Brit ɑːsk -, Am æsk -] (ask after [sb]) after VERB [Brit rʌn -, Am rən -] (run after [sb]) wörtl, übtr

I.go after VERB [Brit ɡəʊ -, Am ɡoʊ -] (go after [sth/sb])

I.make after VERB [Brit meɪk -, Am meɪk -] (make after [sb])

I.look after VERB [Brit lʊk -, Am lʊk -] (look after [sb/sth])

II.look after VERB [Brit lʊk -, Am lʊk -] (look after oneself)

I.keep after VERB [Brit kiːp -, Am kip -] (keep after [sb])

I.take after VERB [Brit teɪk -, Am teɪk -] (take after [sb])

after im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für after im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.after [ˈɑ:ftəʳ, Am ˈæftɚ] PRÄP

II.after [ˈɑ:ftəʳ, Am ˈæftɚ] ADV

III.after [ˈɑ:ftəʳ, Am ˈæftɚ] KONJ

after-effect [ˈɑ:ftərɪˌfekt, Am ˈæftɚ-] SUBST

after Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

week after week, day after day

after aus dem Glossar « Intégration et égalité des chances » des Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerks

Übersetzungen für after im Französisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After a series of court cases the nature of the guarantees for some policies was reinterpreted, becoming more onerous.
However, it has an unforeseen after-effect and reverts his mind to a childlike state.
The school opened in 1997, and also offers an after hours child minding service.
The polariscope combines the different polarization states of light waves before and after passing the specimen.
It was reported that a deal with unionized labor could not be reached after a year of negotiations.
The log drives were stopped after 1915, when pleasure boat owners complained about the hazards to navigation.
After a few days, the group decide to burgle a house.
He also started taking bassoon lessons, but soon gave those up after almost choking to death on one of its reeds.
He had a learner's permit, and his parents trusted him enough to let him be alone at home by himself after school.
The groundings were ordered after a battery caught fire and another melted on the planes.

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