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Übersetzungen für suspicions im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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sus·pi·cion [səˈspɪʃən] SUBST

4. suspicion (small amount):

ein Anflug m [o. ein Hauch m] von etw Dat

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, he was well aware of the latent suspicion for foreigners mixed with envy, with which his success was viewed by some.
Due to this suspicion, and her depression and erratic behavior, she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for observation.
After a series of studies were conducted, the suspicion was eradicated.
Jack later confirms his suspicion by using computer records to search for other children who are now missing.
This raised suspicions in the public, at least to those who were paying attention.
It as well raises suspicion of irony and deludes the reader with its inappropriate and jarring imagery.
What was meant to prevent suspicion thus ended up heightening it.
Over a short period of time hundreds of soldiers entered and fell, without raising any suspicion.
His highland clothes invite suspicion that he is an anointer; that is, a foreign agent deliberately spreading plague in some way.
The physics of how the emission is generated is still not fully understood, but suspicion exists that so-called triple-junction effects may be involved.

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