‘clear im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für ‘clear im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.clear [Brit klɪə, Am ˈklɪr] SUBST

II.clear [Brit klɪə, Am ˈklɪr] ADJ

III.clear [Brit klɪə, Am ˈklɪr] ADV (away from)

I.clear up VERB [Brit klɪə -, Am ˈklɪr -] (clear up)

II.clear up VERB [Brit klɪə -, Am ˈklɪr -] (clear up [sth], clear [sth] up)

I.clear away VERB [Brit klɪə -, Am ˈklɪr -] (clear away)

II.clear away VERB [Brit klɪə -, Am ˈklɪr -] (clear [sth] away, clear away [sth])

‘clear im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für ‘clear im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.clear [klɪəʳ, Am klɪr] ADJ

II.clear [klɪəʳ, Am klɪr] SUBST

III.clear [klɪəʳ, Am klɪr] ADV

all-clear [ˌɔ:lˈklɪəʳ, Am -ˈklɪr] SUBST

‘clear Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to clear an area of mines
to need a clear head to +infin
to get a clear idea of sth
to do sth with a clear head
to clear the snow from a road
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is clear from other chola grants that parantaka was a great militarist who had made extensive conquests.
He bears a grudge against the coach, for reasons that do not become clear until late in the play.
They are clear-sighted and acute chroniclers of the male gaze.
It is quite clear that getting to the truth is not a goal, its real objective is damage limitation and face-saving.
His term in office was marked by incessant civil strife, but its causes are not immediately clear.
He was clear on this point to the trustees involved in the search committee.
The life raft was tossed clear of the wreck when the bow section sank.
The research is clear - a trusted advisor with a personal F2F relationship wins both short term and long term.
Therefore, a clear explanation can not be given for the widespread use of cost-plus pricing.
Sweet potatoes show clear lesions that grow rapidly leaving a recognizable watery and soft, oozy tissue where only the peel remains intact.

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