off im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für off im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] SUBST ugs (start) Off is often found as the second element in verb combinations (fall off, run off etc.) and in offensive interjections (clear off etc.). For translations consult the appropriate verb entry (fall off, run off, clear off etc.).
off is used in certain expressions such as off limits, off piste etc. and translations for these will be found under the noun entry (limit, piste etc.).
For other uses of off see the entry below. [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] ADV [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] ADJ [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] PRÄP [Brit ɒf, Am ɔf, ɑf] INTERJ

Siehe auch: well off, street, run off, piste, on, limit, fall off, clear off, better off

I.well off [Brit wɛlˈɒf] SUBST + Verb Pl

I.street [Brit striːt, Am strit] SUBST

rue f

II.street [Brit striːt, Am strit] ADJ off VERB [Brit rʌn -, Am rən -] (run off) off VERB [Brit rʌn -, Am rən -] (run off [sth], run [sth] off)

piste [Brit piːst, Am pist] SUBST

I.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] PRÄP When on is used as a straightforward preposition expressing position (on the beach, on the table) it is generally translated by sur: sur la plage, sur la table; on it is translated by dessus: there's a table over there, put the key on it = il y a une table là-bas, mets la clé dessus.
on is often used in verb combinations in English (depend on, rely on, cotton on etc.). For translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (depend, rely, cotton on etc.).
If you have doubts about how to translate a phrase or expression beginning with on (on demand, on impulse, on top etc.) consult the appropriate noun or other entry (demand, impulse, top etc.).
This dictionary contains usage notes on such topics as dates, islands, rivers etc. Many of these use the preposition on. For the index to these notes .
For examples of the above and further uses of on, see the entry below.

1. on (position):

II.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] ADJ

III.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] ADV

IV.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] on and off, a. off and on ADV

VI.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn]

I.limit [Brit ˈlɪmɪt, Am ˈlɪmɪt] SUBST

II.limit [Brit ˈlɪmɪt, Am ˈlɪmɪt] VERB trans (restrict)

III.limit [Brit ˈlɪmɪt, Am ˈlɪmɪt] VERB refl

I.clear off VERB [Brit klɪə -, Am ˈklɪr -] (clear off) ugs Brit

II.clear off VERB [Brit klɪə -, Am ˈklɪr -] (clear off [sth]) Am

I.better off [Brit ˌbɛtər ˈɒf] SUBST

II.better off [Brit ˌbɛtər ˈɒf] ADJ

I.sweat off VERB [Brit swɛt -, Am swɛt -] (sweat [sth] off, sweat off [sth])

straggle off VERB [Brit ˈstraɡ(ə)l -, Am ˈstræɡəl -]

I.blow off VERB [Brit bləʊ -, Am bloʊ -] (blow off)

II.blow off VERB [Brit bləʊ -, Am bloʊ -] (blow [sth] off, blow off [sth])

I.stand off VERB [Brit stand -, Am stænd -] (stand off)

II.stand off VERB [Brit stand -, Am stænd -] (stand [sb] off) ugs (stand off [sb]) ugs (lay off)

I.strain off VERB [Brit streɪn -, Am streɪn -] (strain [sth] off, strain off [sth])

I.fend off VERB [Brit fɛnd -, Am fɛnd -] (fend off [sb/sth], fend [sb/sth] off)

off im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für off im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch [ɒf, Am ɑ:f] ADJ inv [ɒf, Am ɑ:f] SUBST no Pl Brit [ɒf, Am ɑ:f] VERB trans Am ugs (kill)

off Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to snap sth off [or to snap off sth]
to trigger sth (off) [or to trigger (off) sth]
to prise sth off [or to prise off sth]
off and on [or on and off]

off aus dem Glossar « Intégration et égalité des chances » des Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerks

off aus dem Kälte-Glossar des Maschinenbaukonzerns GEA

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Stokes was definitely having a word in the ear and now he too gets a ticking off.
Their function is to pick off debris so as to keep the surface clean and to prevent larvae of other invertebrates from settling and growing there.
Whilst she tried to brush them off, they are undeterred and finally spooked, she then runs off.
Pollen carried on their bodies may be carried to another flower where a small portion can rub off onto the pistil, resulting in cross pollination.
One is a huge inflatable airbag, installed to let skiers and snowboarders show off their aerial prowess, and provide them with a soft landing.
All teams present were instructed to pair off, with one team from each pair going to each destination.
It actively encourages users to carry out their heavy downloads during what is currently called either the uncounted or off-peak period.
An ocean away, a drone flies over enemy territory, cut off from its remote pilot by a satellite communication link that has gone kaput.
But heavy rain can turn to torrents sluicing off sun-baked desert or pavement into miles of flood channels constructed to protect homes and businesses.
The first retorted that the second should fly off his ground.

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