after-sales service im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für after-sales service im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für after-sales service im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] PRÄP

II.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] ADV

III.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] KONJ When after is used as a conjunction, it is translated by dopo avere (or essere) + past participle where the two verbs have the same subject: after I've finished my book, I'll cook dinner = dopo aver finito il libro, preparerò la cena; after he had consulted Bill / after consulting Bill, he decided to accept the offer = dopo avere consultato Bill, ha deciso di accettare l'offerta. - When the two verbs have different subjects, the translation is dopo che + indicative: I'll lend you the book after Fred has read it = ti presterò il libro dopo che Fred l'avrà letto (or l'ha letto).

IV.after [Brit ˈɑːftə, Am ˈæftər] ADJ

I.service1 [Brit ˈsəːvɪs, Am ˈsərvəs] SUBST

2. service (facility, work done):

3. service (work, period of work done):

servizio m also ADMIN MILIT (in in; to per)

III.service1 [Brit ˈsəːvɪs, Am ˈsərvəs] VERB trans

service2 [Brit ˈsəːvɪs, Am ˈsərvəs] SUBST (tree)

after-sales service im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für after-sales service im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If more testing is done in operations, after-sales service costs will be lower.
Knock-down exports are an easy way to gain access to developing markets without added after-sales service costs.
At the most basic level, how many of us have spent hard-earned savings on expensive goods with poor after-sales service?
But there is still very much a need for a physical presence and being able to provide good after-sales service.
Registration enables the customer to buy any product for the card and to have an after-sales service, and it protects against theft or loss.
Companies are investing in their after-sales service networks to deliver high levels of customer service and in return command higher prices for their parts and services.
It also supplies after-sales service parts for vehicles.
An after-sales service is essential to any business, just so you know.

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