V-E im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für V-E im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Spanisch»Englisch)

V-E Day [Am ˌviˈi deɪ, Brit ˌviːˈiː deɪ] SUBST

Siehe auch: have

I.have <Past & Past Part had> [Am hæv, həv, (ə)v, Brit hav] VERB trans

2. have (to hold, to have at one's disposal):

3.1. have (to receive):

darle a alguien como en bolsa RíoPl ugs
poner a alguien verde Esp ugs
poner a alguien a parir Esp ugs

4. have (to consume):

tomar Esp
comer LatAm
comer esp Esp Méx

5.1. have (to experience):

7. have causative use:

II.have <Past & Past Part had> [Am hæv, həv, (ə)v, Brit hav] VERB Aux

Übersetzungen für V-E im Spanisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Spanisch)

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff

BOGOTÁ: Has morning and evening newspapers representing the major political parties. All are government controlled. Dailies include El Tiempo (www.eltiempo.com), El Espectador (www.elespectador.com), and La República.
BUENOS AIRES: Morning papers of long standing and of national importance are: La Prensa, La Nación (www.lanacion.com.ar), the country's oldest, The Buenos Aires Herald (www.buenosairesherald.com), The Standard, the oldest English-language newspaper, and Clarín (www.clarín.com), a morning daily. La Razón and La Crónica come out in the evening.
CARACAS: has a wide press service. The most important dailies are El Nacional (www.el-nacional.terra.com.ve), El Universal (www.eud.com), Últimas Noticias, La Religión, and La Verdad (www.laverdad.com), all appearing in the afternoon, and the evening newspapers El Meridiano, El Mundo, El Globo, and Extra. There is also an English-language daily, The Daily Journal.
HAVANA: Has three dailies. The best known is Granma(www.granma.cubaweb.cu), official newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party. Trabajadores is published by the Cuban trade union movement, and the more lively Juventud Rebelde is aimed at a younger readership.
LIMA: has a dozen daily newspapers. El Comercio (www.elcomercioperu.com), founded in 1939, is Peru's oldest newspaper. Ojo, a morning newspaper, has the largest circulation. El Peruano (www.editoraperu.com) is the official state gazette, and Expreso is the leading opposition daily.
MEXICO CITY: Has twenty dailies. The morning daily Excelsior (www.excelsior.com.mx), established in 1917, is often considered the nation's best and one of the most important newspapers of the Spanish-speaking world. La Jornada is another important daily, and there is an English-language daily, The News.
MONTEVIDEO: The British, who occupied the city in 1807, published the first newspaper in the capital, The Southern Star. The city has had newspapers ever since, representing the views of all political parties and factions.
SANTIAGO DE CHILE: There are almost a dozen newspapers. The most important dailies are El Mercurio (www.elmercurio.cl), founded in 1900, La Nación, and La Tercera (www.tercera.cl).

V-E im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für V-E im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The original 1945 recording is highly triumphal with its brass fanfares and ecstatic chords extended upward with the aid of trumpets, as part of the V-E Day celebrations.
After V-E Day, the group evacuated prisoners of war and displaced persons to relocation centers.
After V-E Day, the squadron evacuated prisoners of war.
In the month following V-E Day, units from the corps were redeployed.
When 70, he addressed crowds on V-E Day.
After V-E Day, the unit evacuated prisoners of war and displaced persons to relocation centers.
The original 1945 is highly triumphal with its brass fanfares and ecstatic chords extended upward with the aid of trumpets, as part of the V-E Day celebrations.
The 6th surrendered shortly after V-E Day.
This design was re-used in 2005 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of V-E Day.
He finished his coursework close to V-E Day.

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