top im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für top im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.top1 [Am tɑp, Brit tɒp] SUBST

1.1. top:

top (of mountain)
top (of mountain)
top (of mountain)
top (of tree)
top (of page)
top (of head)
top (of wave)
from top to toe

4. top:

on top of as Präp
on top of this you have to pay

II.top1 [Am tɑp, Brit tɒp] ADJ attr

III.top1 <Part Präs topping; Past, Past Part topped> [Am tɑp, Brit tɒp] VERB trans

IV.top1 <Part Präs topping; Past, Past Part topped> [Am tɑp, Brit tɒp] VERB refl to top oneself

Siehe auch: sleep

I.sleep [Am slip, Brit sliːp] SUBST

1. sleep U or C:

deep sleep PHYSIOL

II.sleep <Past & Past Part slept> [Am slip, Brit sliːp] VERB intr

III.sleep <Past & Past Part slept> [Am slip, Brit sliːp] VERB trans drawer [Am ˌtɑp ˈdrɔ(ə)r, Brit] SUBST

top dressing [ˈtɑp ˌdrɛsɪŋ] SUBST U

top im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für top im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

top1 [tɒp, Am tɑ:p] SUBST (spinning top)

I.top2 [tɒp, Am tɑ:p] -pp- SUBST

II.top2 [tɒp, Am tɑ:p] -pp- ADJ

top Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to be at the top of
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And top it all off by relaxing on a chaise lounge set directly on the pearly white-sand beach.
Daffy's one possession he is proud of is his paper-mache parade float, constructed on top of a minivan, which is his main means of transportation.
It has good maneuverability and can come to a full stop in only one ship length from top speed.
The ventilator top was not unsealed as it should have been when it was installed.
The top of the cluster holds the gas gauge, which directly connects into the gas tank, behind the dashboard.
The price range for units in the $100 million complex will start at $300,000 and top out at more than $1 million.
There were two wounds to his right side, and two to the top of his head, which would probably have resulted in unconsciousness.
In other words, every knit stitch is flanked on all four sides (left and right, top and bottom) by purl stitches, and vice versa.
Small in stature, he was one of the top putters of his era.
On top of this is a combination of slowly permeable and well drained fine loam over clay.

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