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I . tail [teɪl] SUBST

1. tail (of animal):

tail of a horse also
Schweif m <-(e)s, -e> geh
tail of a bear, badger, wild boars
Bürzel m <-s, ->
Rute f <-, -n> fachspr
tail of an insect

2. tail übtr (rear):

tail of a car
Heck nt <-(e)s, -e>
tail of a comet
Schweif m <-(e)s, -e>
tail of a kite

3. tail MODE (lower part of a dress):

Schleppe f <-, -n>
tail of a shirt
[Hemd]zipfel m ugs
tail of a coat

4. tail MODE ugs (tail coat):

Frack m <-(e)s, Frä·cke>
Schwalbenschwanz m <-es, -schwänze> scherzh veraltend

5. tail ugs (buttocks):

Hintern m <-s, -> ugs

6. tail (reverse of coin):

7. tail ugs (person following sb):

Schatten m <-s, -> a. scherzh
Beschatter(in) m (f) <-s, ->
to put a tail on sb

8. tail no pl abw sl (women):

Weiber abw pl ugs
they're chasing tail sl

9. tail Am WIRTSCH:


10. tail COMPUT:

tail (data)
tail (code)

II . tail [teɪl] VERB trans

1. tail (remove the stalks of fruit):

to tail sth

ˈcot·ton tail SUBST Am ugs

cotton tail
Kaninchen nt <-s, ->
cotton tail
Karnickel nt <-s, -> ugs

e-tail [ˈi:teɪl] SUBST INET, COMPUT

ˈshirt tail SUBST usu pl

shirt tail

tail back VERB intr Brit

tail back
sich Akk stauen

ˈtail coat SUBST

tail coat
Frack m <-(e)s, Frä·cke>
tail coat
Schwalbenschwanz m <-es, -schwänze> scherzh veraltend

tail ˈend SUBST

ˈtail feath·er SUBST

tail feather
Schwanzfeder f <-, -n>

ˈtail fin SUBST

tail fin
Heckflosse f <-, -n>
tail fin
Schwanzflosse f <-, -n>

tail ˈheavy ADJ

tail heavy of a plane:

tail heavy
tail heavy

ˈtail lamp SUBST esp Am (tail light)

tail lamp
Rücklicht nt <-(e)s, -er>
tail lamp
Schlusslicht nt <-(e)s, -er>

ˈtail light SUBST

tail light
Rücklicht nt <-(e)s, -er>
tail light
Schlusslicht nt <-(e)s, -er>

ˈtail skid SUBST LUFTF

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

tail plume
Schwanzfeder f <-, -n>
fee tail
stubby tail
stumpy tail
herumwuseln regional
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The tail has three or four black and buff bars, a broad black band near the tip and a pale rufous tip.
The taxon includes some of the smallest known adult non-avian theropod specimens, with the holotype specimen measuring only 68 cm in length, including the tail.
The tail is brown at the base and white past the sting.
The tail is 30to70cm in long, ending with a black tinge.
Variations of the species may also have orange eyes, and orange highlights in the tail fins.
It is a slim narrow fish with a forked tail and as an adult it lives in freshwater rivers and lakes.
In life, it would have resembled a modern duiker, measuring about 50 cm in body length, but with a much longer tail.
The high-wing is strut-braced and the tail is a cruciform tail.
This is a large eagle with brown upperparts and blackish flight feathers and tail.
The body is decorated with dark spots, with a pale underside and a ringed tail.

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