hunt up im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für hunt up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.hunt [Brit hʌnt, Am hənt] SUBST

I.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADV Up appears frequently in English as the second element of phrasal verbs (get up, pick up etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (get, pick etc.).

1. up (high):

(su) a Nord

9. up:

II.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] PRÄP

III.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADJ

IV.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] SUBST

V.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB trans (increase)

VI.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB intr ugs

hunt up im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für hunt up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

So employers keep people on staff rather than going out to hunt up another worker every time they need someone to stand behind the checkout counter for an hour.
In that pre-computer age, clerical staff would have had to hunt up all those former sailors' forwarding addresses and mail this letter out to them.
But instead of heading online to hunt up a schematic for this particular machine, you instead grab your smartphone.
Despite their protected status, it's still legal to hunt up to two snapping turtles per day.
Some journalist might wan na hunt up the kid (not even a teen yet) for a story that will better our community.
In the second case, the caster must hunt up new ingredients and prepare the equipment needed to cast the spell.
Instead, these large, robust birds fly out to sea to hunt up to 50 miles from land, rather than inland toward the interior.
Become the greatest monster slayer of all time while playing a cooperative multiplayer monster hunt up to four players.
There's nothing compared to a lucrative polar bear hunt up here.

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