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I . dad [dæd] SUBST ugs

Papa m <-s, -s> ugs
Vati m <-s, -s> ugs
mum [or Am mom] and dad
mum [or Am mom] and dad
Papa <-s, -s>
Vati <-s, -s>

DAD [ˌdi:eɪˈdi:] SUBST

DAD COMPUT Abkürzung von digital audio disk


digi·tal ˈaudio disk SUBST, DAD SUBST COMPUT

dead·beat ˈdad SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

dad joke
dad jeans pl
Dad — yes, honey?
a deadbeat dad
mum [or Am mom] and dad
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mom and dad dress him in knee socks and introduce him to the family as their new son.
She often shares unique stories about her life such as her dad burying a can of peas in the ground then replacing them with raisins.
It was the greatest thing with my first start in front of my wife and dad.
He was a "tinkerer" and liked to build things with his dad, who was a mechanic, when he was a kid including a go-cart.
Until we moved to an extended house, my dad's patients would come to our front door, and our sitting room doubled as a waiting room during surgery hours.
I'd get the title and sell it to the junk yard for $20 or $30 and give the money to my dad.
On the line was his estranged teenage daughter, who told her dad he was a superhero to her.
Jimmy is proud of all his work with his dad, but this one touches him deeply.
When my dad eventually came home, he shipped a whole tea chest of this kind of stuff home -- seals, tablets, bits of pottery.
Harry doesn't want to be a dad again at his age; he is embarrassed and feels foolish.

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