bind up im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für bind up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.bind [Brit bʌɪnd, Am baɪnd] SUBST ugs

II.bind <Past/Part Perf bound> [Brit bʌɪnd, Am baɪnd] VERB trans

III.bind <Past/Part Perf bound> [Brit bʌɪnd, Am baɪnd] VERB intr

I.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADV Up appears frequently in English as the second element of phrasal verbs (get up, pick up etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (get, pick etc.).

1. up (high):

(su) a Nord

9. up:

II.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] PRÄP

III.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADJ

IV.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] SUBST

V.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB trans (increase)

VI.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB intr ugs

bind up im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für bind up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Success will give some substance to his desired legacy as a president who helped to bind up the nation's wounds.
Soldiers also express concern because the zippers (as with any zipper) can bind up, and render the uniform uncomfortable to wear, especially with body armor.
That would cause the finished floating dock to bind up against the columns as it ascends and descends with the tide.
The 3/8 ones can bind up to 55 pages.
Meanwhile, with the tools, which have been provided us, we must move forward without pause to bind up this nation's wounds, to toil, to make, and to build.
Kelp could provide a means of growing more plant matter, which could help to bind up excess carbon.
They didn't really have any technique going into the scrum; it was just bind up and push, and push harder if you went backwards.
He has pitched his tent among us to share our lives, heal our sores, bind up our wounds and give us new life.
Examples include plastic brake wheel cylinder pistons, which tended to swell and bind up the brakes after a some years in service.
It has just staunched its bleeding, but it still has a long way to go to bind up the deep wounds.

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