trade up im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für trade up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch [Brit treɪd, Am treɪd] SUBST

5. trade METEO → trade wind [Brit treɪd, Am treɪd] VERB trans (swap)

Siehe auch: trade wind

I.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADV Up appears frequently in English as the second element of phrasal verbs (get up, pick up etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (get, pick etc.).

1. up (high):

(su) a Nord

9. up:

II.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] PRÄP

III.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADJ

IV.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] SUBST

V.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB trans (increase)

VI.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB intr ugs

trade up im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für trade up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Similar to the trend of better coffee and better wines, this tremendous increase was partly due to consumers who choose to trade up.
Newly minted motorcycle enthusiasts often like to trade up to more powerful machines once they feel comfortable on their bikes.
At the same time, historically-low borrowing rates and solid hiring continue to support purchases for those looking to trade up.
Even if he does trade up, he will have ample income to continue his present way of life.
We're in the big exchange-traded funds that cover the solar industry, so we tend to trade up and down with the industry as a whole.
Lee gave the trade up in 2001 to pursue his business commitments.
Producers below the gold level can trade up to seven per cent and standard producers with no infractions can trade up to five per cent.
The bold moves to trade up to the top of the list was a strong indication that the top quarterbacks would go one-two.
He is, however, allowing for the likelihood that there other teams will offer to trade up.
They could also find a willing partner and trade up higher into the order.

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