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I . leap [li:p] SUBST

1. leap:

leap (jump)
Sprung m <-(e)s, Sprụ̈n·ge>
leap (bigger)
to make [or take] a leap

2. leap übtr (increase):

leap in
Sprung m <-(e)s, Sprụ̈n·ge> übtr bei +Dat

II . leap <leaped [or Brit a. leapt], leaped [or Brit a. leapt]> [li:p] VERB intr

III . leap <leaped [or Brit a. leapt], leaped [or Brit a. leapt]> [li:p] VERB trans



leap out VERB intr

2. leap out übtr (grab attention):

to leap out at sb

ˈleap year SUBST

leap year
Schaltjahr nt <-(e)s, -e>

leap up VERB

quan·tum ˈleap SUBST übtr (big increase, advance)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They even have the ability to leap out of the water and glide in the air for long distances.
Next week, a lioness takes a flying leap at a galloping giraffe.
Before you take the leap from a deposit account into shares or an investment fund or life assurance policy, get independent financial advice.
In the 20th century you can see a quantum leap in multinational cooperation compared to the 19th century.
He set school records in long jump, with a leap of 6.95 meters, and 200 meters, with a time of 21.76 seconds.
Displaying birds utter a far-carrying and explosive quoip as they leap from a lateral branch in mid-canopy.
Although changes of quantum state occur on the submicroscopic level, in popular discourse, the term quantum leap refers to a large increase.
Today fish leap in the limpid waters, birds nest on nesting islands and a flock of flamingos recently flew over the water body.
Down the front, a troika of blondes leap up in their stilettos after every song.
When this happened, the market day would be moved to the next day, which was the bissextile (leap) day.

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