sign up im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für sign up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.sign [Brit sʌɪn, Am saɪn] SUBST

6. sign (indication, pointer):

segno m (of di)
è segno che
è la prova che

I.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADV Up appears frequently in English as the second element of phrasal verbs (get up, pick up etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (get, pick etc.).

1. up (high):

(su) a Nord

9. up:

II.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] PRÄP

III.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] ADJ

IV.up [Brit ʌp, Am əp] SUBST

V.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB trans (increase)

VI.up <forma in -ing upping, Past, Part Perf upped> [Brit ʌp, Am əp] VERB intr ugs

sign up im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für sign up im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They told me to go to the draft board and sign up.
In the future, there are plans to hopefully sign up other artists and bands.
Berry began signing up stars, however he did not sign up everyone that he wanted.
Although there was no limit as to how many users could sign up, registration was only open for one week.
With promises of adventure and money, they do indeed sign up.
New players were able to sign up for accounts that remained free for a limited number of days.
However, participants must now sign up with the city, due to unsafe numbers of people participating in past years.
Volunteers will sign up to sleep out from 8pm to 6am.
They also have a coffee club that sends a new coffee to you every month; memberships are limited due to small batch sizes, so sign up now!
The site is free to sign up to and offers members access to free weekly interviews with industry leaders heading large global companies.

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