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I . store [stɔ:ʳ, Am stɔ:r] SUBST

2. store esp Am, Aus:

store (any shop)
store (grocery store)
store (grocery store)
store (grocery store)
Greißler m <-s, -> A
clothing store
clothing store
health-food store
Reformhaus nt <-es, -häuser>
health-food store
Bioladen m <-s, -läden>
liquor store

3. store esp Brit:

store (large shop)
Geschäft nt <-(e)s, -e>
store (department store)
Kaufhaus nt <-es, -häuser>
store (department store)
Warenhaus nt <-es, -häuser>

4. store (warehouse):

Lager nt <-s, - [o. Lä̱·ger]>
in store Brit, Aus (in a safe place)
in store Brit, Aus (in a safe place)
grain store
supply store
Vorratslager nt <-s, ->
weapons store
Waffenarsenal nt <-s, -e>
to put sth in store

6. store COMPUT:

Speicher m <-s, ->

II . store [stɔ:ʳ, Am stɔ:r] VERB trans

2. store COMPUT (file):

to store sth
to store data

store SUBST


ˈbeer store SUBST Can

ˈbot·tle store SUBST Aus, NZ, SA (off-licence)

ˈbox store SUBST Am

box store
[Verbraucher-]Abholmarkt m

ˈcan·dy store SUBST Am

ˈchain store SUBST

ˈcold store SUBST

con·ˈveni·ence store SUBST Am

ˈcor·ner store SUBST esp Can

corner store
Tante-Emma-Laden m <-s, -Läden>
corner store
corner store
Greißlerei f A ugs

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

flagship store
auto store COMPUT
DIY store
Baumarkt m <-(e)s, -märkte>
store cupboard
bulk store Am
Großhändler m <-s, -; -, -nen>
liquor store
grain store
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Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

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