court of law im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für court of law im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

law [Am lɔ, Brit lɔː] SUBST

1.2. law U (collectively):

I.court [Am kɔrt, Brit kɔːt] SUBST

1.1. court JUR (tribunal):

III.court [Am kɔrt, Brit kɔːt] VERB intr veraltend

of [Am əv, Brit ɒv, (ə)v] PRÄP

court of law im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für court of law im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.court [kɔ:t, Am kɔ:rt] SUBST

of [əv, stressed: ɒv] PRÄP

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The affected party could not seek redress in a court of law.
His death was also ordered by the court of law, which was run by the three criminals.
Manipulative autoclitics can revoke words by striking them out, as in a court of law.
If the government appears to have acted unfairly, the action can be challenged in a court of law by citizens.
This can be awarded by a court of law given that the individual has demonstrated good conduct, and has compensated any damages.
In some instances, individuals were sent to re-education through labor even after being found not guilty in a court of law.
All decisions are taken by principal whose decision can not be challenged in any court of law.
This testimony was later judged under the new rules, which led to his perjury indictment in a court of law.
He then fills confidence in his men and tells them that they should face these illegal in the court of law.
In such a case, the court undertakes its role as a court of merit, rather than a court of law.

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