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I . mouth SUBST [maʊθ]

2. mouth (opening):

Öffnung f <-, -en>
mouth of a bottle, jar, well
Öffnung f <-, -en>
mouth of a cave
Eingang m <-(e)s, -gän·ge>
mouth of a volcano
Krater m <-s, ->
mouth of a river, bay, harbour
Mündung f <-, -en>

II . mouth VERB trans [maʊð]

1. mouth (form words silently):

to mouth sth

2. mouth (say insincerely):

to mouth sth

mouth-to-ˈmouth SUBST MED

mouth-to-mouth re·sus·ci·ˈta·tion SUBST

ˈbig mouth SUBST abw ugs

big mouth (conceited person)
Großmaul nt <-(e)s, -mäuler> abw ugs
Schwätzer(in) m (f) <-s, ->
Plaudertasche f <-, -n> scherzh abw
Klatschbase f <-, -n> abw ugs
keep your big mouth shut!
halt die Klappe! ugs

ˈcot·ton mouth SUBST Am ugs

mouth off VERB intr abw ugs

1. mouth off (complain):

mouth off
meckern ugs
mouth off
raunzen ugs A
mouth off
maulen ugs CH

2. mouth off (criticize):

to mouth off [at [or to] sb]
to mouth off [at [or to] sb]

ˈmouth or·gan SUBST

mouth organ
Mundharmonika f <-, -s>

ˈsmart mouth SUBST no pl Am abw ugs

estuary [ˈestjʊəri], river mouth SUBST

glacier mouth SUBST

blastopore [ˈblæstəʊpɔː], primitive mouth SUBST

foot-and-ˈmouth dis·ease SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

cavernous mouth
pouting mouth
Schmollmund m <-(e)s, -münder>
sensual mouth
mouth ulcer
to stop sb's mouth
to rinse one's mouth
to open one's mouth also übtr
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Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)


La Sirene at Hotel Wyndham Apollo serves mouth-watering fish dishes with delicious European flavours.

Patrons can have cocktails and wines at Churchill Smokers Lounge and Marina Lounge bar on site.



Das Hotelrestaurant La Sirene serviert köstlichen Fisch mit delikatem europäischen Flair.

Die Churchill Smokers Lounge und die Marina Lounge Bar laden zur Entspannung bei Cocktails und Weinen ein.


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