no-strike agreement im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für no-strike agreement im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Siehe auch: number

I.number [Brit ˈnʌmbə, Am ˈnəmbər] SUBST

3. number (amount, quantity):

IV.number [Brit ˈnʌmbə, Am ˈnəmbər] VERB trans

V.number [Brit ˈnʌmbə, Am ˈnəmbər] VERB intr

2. number → number off

I.strike [Brit strʌɪk, Am straɪk] SUBST

II.strike <Past struck, Part Perf struck, stricken> [Brit strʌɪk, Am straɪk] VERB trans

1. strike (hit):

3. strike (make impression on):

to be struck on Brit ugs

III.strike <Past struck, Part Perf struck, stricken> [Brit strʌɪk, Am straɪk] VERB intr [Brit nəʊ, Am noʊ] DET When no is used as a determiner (meaning not any), it precedes either uncountable nouns or countable nouns in the plural: there is no tea left = non è rimasto del tè; there are no clouds in the sky = non ci sono nuvole in cielo. [Brit nəʊ, Am noʊ] SUBST [Brit nəʊ, Am noʊ] ADV [Brit nəʊ, Am noʊ] ADV When no precedes an adjective, the latter is usually in the comparative: no fewer than 50 people came = non vennero meno di 50 persone. Otherwise, not is used, especially before a, all, many, much, and enough: she is not stupid = non è stupida; not many people came = non sono venuti in molti.

agreement [Brit əˈɡriːm(ə)nt, Am əˈɡrimənt] SUBST

no-strike agreement im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für no-strike agreement im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für no-strike agreement im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Siehe auch: number <-(e)s> [noʊ] SUBST SUBST (denial, refusal)

II.strike <struck, struck [or stricken]> [straɪk] VERB trans

III.strike <struck, struck [or stricken]> [straɪk] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although teacher strikes are illegal under state law and local unions in most districts have signed no-strike agreements, the rules are rarely enforced.

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