strike down im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für strike down im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.strike [Brit strʌɪk, Am straɪk] SUBST

II.strike <Past struck, Part Perf struck, stricken> [Brit strʌɪk, Am straɪk] VERB trans

1. strike (hit):

3. strike (make impression on):

to be struck on Brit ugs

III.strike <Past struck, Part Perf struck, stricken> [Brit strʌɪk, Am straɪk] VERB intr

I.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] ADV Down often occurs as the second element in verb combinations in English (go down fall down get down keep down put down etc). For translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (fall, get, keep, put etc.). - When used after such verbs as sit or lie down implies the action being done. Compare the following examples and their translations: she is sitting = lei siede/è seduta; she is sitting down = lei si siede/si sta sedendo. - When used to indicate vague direction, down often has no explicit translation in Italian: to go down to London = andare a Londra down in Brighton = a Brighton. - For examples and further usages, see this entry.

2. down (indicating position at lower level):

II.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] PRÄP

III.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] ADJ

IV.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] VERB trans ugs

V.down1 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] SUBST

down2 [Brit daʊn, Am daʊn] SUBST

strike down im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für strike down im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für strike down im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

II.strike <struck, struck [or stricken]> [straɪk] VERB trans

III.strike <struck, struck [or stricken]> [straɪk] VERB intr

6. down (not functioning) computer, server, telephone lines:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was seen to strike down three infantrymen, fatally wounded, before succumbing to a rain of blows.
However, judges may strike down secondary legislation.
This cut was reputedly so quick and precise that it could strike down a bird in mid-flight.
During his tenure he helped strike down a plan for a single world airline.
It has authority to interpret the constitution, and strike down laws and activities of the state that it finds to be unconstitutional.
In many countries, courts have the power of judicial review, which allows them to strike down any legislative or executive action that they find in violation of the nation's constitution.
The former has the power to strike down proposals on legal technicalities while the latter organises meetings, agendas and minutes.
That they had agreed to strike down every policeman and watchman that they might meet, and catch the soldiers before they could fire upon them.
Their goal is to strike down the marriage restrictions in every state.
He must give royal assent to all legislation, which allows him the power to strike down any law the legislature may see fit for the country.

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