Englisch » Deutsch

I . warm [wɔ:m, Am wɔ:rm] ADJ

1. warm (not cool):

are you warm enough?
sb is as warm as toast [or Am usu toasty warm] ugs
nice and warm

3. warm clothes:


5. warm usu attr colours:


6. warm usu präd (close guess):

nahe dran ugs
to be warm
nahe dran sein ugs
you're very warm
to get warm

7. warm usu präd (fresh):

warm track, trail

II . warm [wɔ:m, Am wɔ:rm] SUBST

1. warm no pl (place):

to come [or get] into the warm

2. warm usu Sg ugs (heating up):

to have a warm

III . warm [wɔ:m, Am wɔ:rm] VERB trans


to warm the [esp Brit cockles of one's] heart scherzh
to warm the [esp Brit cockles of one's] heart scherzh

IV . warm [wɔ:m, Am wɔ:rm] VERB intr

2. warm (get animated):

to warm to a subject [or theme]

warm over VERB trans Am

warm over (heat up):

to warm over sth

I . warm through VERB trans

II . warm through VERB intr

I . warm up VERB intr

1. warm up (become hot):

warm up
warm up
warm up person
warm up weather

2. warm up (begin to work):

warm up
warm up engine, machine

3. warm up (become animated):

warm up party
warm up people

4. warm up (limber up):

warm up

ˈwarm front SUBST METEO

warm front
Warmfront f <-, -en>

warm ˈstart SUBST COMPUT

warm start
Warmstart m <-(e)s, -s> fachspr

ˈwarm-up SUBST

2. warm-up (starting activity):

Einstimmung f <-, -en>
Warm-up nt <-s, -s> auf +Akk

warm up subsection


Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We achieved this pleasing outcome for the ARCOTEL John F and ARCOTEL Camino through a prominent focus on service and hospitality.

I owe a special thanks to our committed employees, who give a warm welcome to our guests from all over the world."


Durch die hervorragende Serviceorientierung und die gelebte Gastlichkeit konnten wir dieses erfreuliche Ergebnis für das ARCOTEL John F und ARCOTEL Camino erzielen.

Mein besonderer Dank gilt den engagierten Mitarbeitern, die unsere Gäste aus aller Welt herzlichst willkommen heißen."


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