good im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für good im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.good <comp better, superl best> [Am ɡʊd, Brit ɡʊd] ADJ The usual translation of good, bueno, becomes buen when it precedes a masculine singular noun.

1. good food/quality/book/school:

a good wine
a good wine
it smells good
it smells good
it looks good
to come good Brit ugs our team came good in the end
to make good
to make good sth I made good the mistakes

13.1. good (skilled, competent):

I've finishedgood boy/girl!
he's not a good liar
she has a very good ear/eye
to be good at sth/-ing to be good at languages

II.good [Am ɡʊd, Brit ɡʊd] SUBST

2.1. good U (benefit):

for the common good
for the good of sb/sth
for good or ill
it's all to the good
to do sb/sth good
much good may it do you! iron
for all the good it has done me
to be in good with sb ugs

3.1. good <goods, pl > (merchandise):

mercaderías fpl AmS
géneros mpl de punto Esp

III.good [Am ɡʊd, Brit ɡʊd] ADV

Siehe auch: good evening, good afternoon, good morning

good-humored, good-humoured Brit [Am ˈɡʊdˌ(h)jumərd, Brit ˌɡʊdˈhjuːməd] ADJ

good-sized [Am ˈɡʊdˌsaɪzd], good-size [ˈɡʊdˈsaɪz] ADJ

good-humoredly, good-humouredly Brit [Am ˈɡʊdˌ(h)jumərdli, Brit ˌɡʊdˈhjuːmədli] ADV

good-natured [Am ɡʊdˈneɪtʃərd, Brit ˌɡʊdˈneɪtʃəd] ADJ (as permanent characteristic)

good-tempered [Am ˈɡʊd ˈˌtɛmpərd, Brit] ADJ

good-naturedly [Am ˈɡʊd ˈˌneɪtʃərdli, Brit ˌɡʊdˈneɪtʃədli] ADV

good im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für good im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.good [gʊd] better, best ADJ

II.good [gʊd] better, best SUBST kein Pl

III.good [gʊd] better, best ADV

IV.good [gʊd] better, best INTERJ

good-humoured, good-humored [ˌgʊdˈhju:məd, Am -mɚd] ADJ Am

good-natured <better-natured, best-natured> ADJ

good-sized <better-sized, best-sized> [ˌgʊdˈsaɪzd] ADJ

good-looking <better-looking, best-looking> [ˌgʊdˈlʊkɪŋ] ADJ

good-tempered <better-tempered, best-tempered> [ˌgʊdˈtempəd, Am -pɚd] ADJ unreg

I.good-for-nothing [ˈgʊdfəˌnʌθɪŋ, Am -fɚˌ-] SUBST

II.good-for-nothing [ˈgʊdfəˌnʌθɪŋ, Am -fɚˌ-] ADJ

good Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to be a good/bad omen for sth
good afternoon, good evening
to be in a good/bad mood
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's a demanding, all-day trek that requires good hiking shoes, plenty of bottled drinks and warm clothes at the peak.
For example, if one claims or implies with their speech act that it is raining outside, a good reason for claiming this is that one saw it out the window.
There is a belief that these sheep brings good luck.
A slow ascent, and therefore slow pressure reduction, is a good decompression practice.
The concept becomes a variable capacity of good governance and can no longer be accepted as an absolute right.
The loin is slender yet powerful and there is good tuck-up, with the points of the hipbones slightly prominent.
Like a good door-to-door salesman, there was a kernel of truth to his pitch, but he amplified and embellished the facts to sell his product.
All the neighbors involved with a good heart.
Another must is a good eye for detail to spot blemished bodywork or crash damage, and preferably some mechanical know-how, or a friend with some.
He claims that there is no good or evil, but rather only good or bad art.

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