below the line im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für below the line im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für below the line im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.below [Brit bɪˈləʊ, Am bəˈloʊ] PRÄP When below is used as a preposition to talk about the physical position of something, it is most often translated by sotto (a) : the apartment below mine = l'appartamento sotto al/sotto il mio; below the knee = sotto al/sotto il ginocchio. - Note that sotto is the Italian translation of below, beneath and under. - For other prepositional uses of below see this entry.

II.below [Brit bɪˈləʊ, Am bəˈloʊ] ADV

I.line1 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] SUBST

1. line:

line KUNST
line SPORT (on pitch, court)
line MATH
line and colour KUNST

2. line (row):

fila f (of di)
serie f (of di)

14. line (conformity):

line2 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] VERB trans (add layer)

line3 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] SUBST

line4 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] VERB trans selten (copulate)

the [Brit ðə, ðɪ, ðiː, Am ði, ðə] DEF ART

I.good <compar. better, superl. best> [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] ADJ

14. good (competent):

II.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] SUBST

2. good (benefit):

IV.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] INTERJ

below the line im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für below the line im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.the [ðə, stressed, before vowel ði:] def Art

II.the [ðə, stressed, before vowel ði:] ADV (in comparison)

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