play on im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für play on im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch [Brit pleɪ, Am pleɪ] SUBST

I.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] PRÄP

1. on (position):

II.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] ADV

III.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn] ADJ

IV.on [Brit ɒn, Am ɑn, ɔn]

␂enitenre-Brit-s␂on behalf of ␂enitenre-Am-s␂in behalf of">

play on im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für play on im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The name of the show is a play on tailspin, the rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral.
The conceit is that they're performing a live sound-stage broadcast of the play on which we're eavesdropping.
Though the teaching had nothing to do with monkeys, the concept of the three monkeys originated from a simple play on words.
It was a play on his first and last name.
He plays as a striker, but is also known to play on the left wing.
And don't play on ledges in a billowy dress on windy days.
Instead of ice, the players play on cement and instead of ice skates, they use rollerblades.
It's intended as space to play on and enjoy, but can also be used for picnics, open-air festivals and sports.
The title is a play on the word foreplay and 24 hours a day.
And just like a wind chime, the tones play on a pentatonic scale, which allows any random order of notes (or edits) to sound equally pleasant.

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