step in im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für step in im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.step [Brit stɛp, Am stɛp] SUBST

1. step (pace):

you'd better watch your step! ugs, übtr

III.step <forma in -ing stepping, Past, Part Perf stepped> [Brit stɛp, Am stɛp] VERB trans

IV.step <forma in -ing stepping, Past, Part Perf stepped> [Brit stɛp, Am stɛp] VERB intr [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] PRÄP [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] ADV [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] ADJ (fashionable) [Brit ɪn, Am ɪn] SUBST

II.triplicate [Brit ˈtrɪplɪkət, Am ˈtrɪpləkət] VERB trans [Brit ˈtrɪplɪkeɪt, Am ˈtrɪpləˌkeɪt]

I.general [Brit ˈdʒɛn(ə)r(ə)l, Am ˈdʒɛn(ə)rəl] ADJ

II.general [Brit ˈdʒɛn(ə)r(ə)l, Am ˈdʒɛn(ə)rəl] SUBST

I.term [Brit təːm, Am tərm] SUBST

1. terms (conditions):

terms HANDEL
terms of trade HANDEL, WIRTSCH
on easy terms HANDEL

step in im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für step in im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Step-in bindings are released by pulling on a release cable that is threaded up the side of the boot.
This gave the system true step-in, step-out behaviour.
I also like that it has front-seat armrests, a nice low step-in height and easy-access third-row seats.
But compared to step-in boots of yesterday, they're low-profile and unassuming.
At 84, he has decided to let someone else step-in to care for the houses.
Burton never marketed any improvements to either of their step-in binding systems and eventually discontinued the products.
By holding the right bumper with any of the punch buttons, you can perform step-in punches, which have more power and longer range.
She believes the head chef needs to step-in and feels she's now in a role where she can keep an eye on her staff and support them.
There are assist grips at each door to help you enter/exit the cabin, but you'll probably never need to use them - the step-in isn't too high.
Larger areas where tools are used to stretch wire may be able to set step-in posts at larger distances without risk that the fencing material will sag.

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