大志 im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für 大志 im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.burn [Brit bəːn, Am bərn] SUBST

II.burn <Prät, Part Passé burned or burnt Brit> [Brit bəːn, Am bərn] VERB trans

III.burn <Prät, Part Passé burned or burnt Brit> [Brit bəːn, Am bərn] VERB intr

to burn oneself refl < Prät, Part Passé burned or burnt Brit >:

I.slash [Brit slaʃ, Am slæʃ] SUBST

and [Brit ənd, (ə)n, and, Am ænd, (ə)n] KONJ When used as a straightforward conjunction, and is translated by et: to shout and sing = crier et chanter; Tom and Linda = Tom et Linda; my friend and colleague = mon ami et collègue.
and is sometimes used between two verbs in English to mean ‘in order to’ (wait and see, go and ask, try and rest etc.). To translate these expressions, look under the appropriate verb entry (wait, go, try etc).
For examples and other uses, see the entry below.

Siehe auch: wait, try, go

I.wait [Brit weɪt, Am weɪt] SUBST

1. wait (remain patiently):

tu vas voir! ugs
wait for it! MILIT

I.try <pl tries> [Brit trʌɪ, Am traɪ] SUBST

II.try <pl tries> [Brit trʌɪ, Am traɪ] VERB trans <Prät, Part Passé tried>

2. try (test out):

III.try <pl tries> [Brit trʌɪ, Am traɪ] VERB intr <Prät, Part Passé tried>

1. try (make attempt):

1. go (move, travel):

aller (from de, to à, en)
who goes there? MILIT

18. go (extend in depth or scope):

II.go [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] VERB trans see usage note

III.go <pl goes> [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] SUBST

IV.go [Brit ɡəʊ, Am ɡoʊ] ADJ

he's all go ugs!
it's all the go ugs!
that was a near go ugs!
to go off on one Brit ugs
to go off like a frog in a sock Aus ugs event:
there you go ugs!

cultivation [Brit kʌltɪˈveɪʃn, Am ˌkəltəˈveɪʃ(ə)n] SUBST

大志 im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für 大志 im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

burn1 [bɜ:n, Am bɜ:rn] SUBST Scot

I.burn2 [bɜ:n, Am bɜ:rn] SUBST

II.burn2 <-t [or -ed], -t [or -ed]> [bɜ:n, Am bɜ:rn] VERB intr

III.burn2 <-t [or -ed], -t [or -ed]> [bɜ:n, Am bɜ:rn] VERB trans

Amerikanisches Englisch

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