wedding day im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für wedding day im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

wedding [Am ˈwɛdɪŋ, Brit ˈwɛdɪŋ] SUBST

1. we'd → we had

2. we'd → we would <Past & Past Part wedded or wed> [Am wɛd, Brit wɛd] VERB trans <Past & Past Part wedded or wed> [Am wɛd, Brit wɛd] VERB intr

day [Am deɪ, Brit deɪ] SUBST

3.1. day (point in time):

día por medio CSur Perú
from that day forth arch or liter
that'll be the day ugs, iron

5.1. day (period of time):

in days gone by liter
antaño liter
in days to come liter
in days to come liter
antaño liter

Siehe auch: light3, light2, light1, happy

I.light2 <lighter lightest> [Am laɪt, Brit lʌɪt] ADJ

II.light2 [Am laɪt, Brit lʌɪt] ADV

I.light1 [Am laɪt, Brit lʌɪt] SUBST

1. light U (illumination):

luz f
light and shade KUNST

2.1. light C:

luz f
prender la luz LatAm
dar la luz Esp
lights! FILM, THEAT
caer como piedra LatAm ugs

II.light1 <Past & Past Part lighted or lit> [Am laɪt, Brit lʌɪt] VERB trans

III.light1 <Past & Past Part lighted or lit> [Am laɪt, Brit lʌɪt] VERB intr

IV.light1 <lighter lightest> [Am laɪt, Brit lʌɪt] ADJ

happy <happier happiest> [Am ˈhæpi, Brit ˈhapi] ADJ

1.1. happy (of people) (joyful, content):

wedding day im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für wedding day im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch [wed] form VERB trans wedded <[or wed], wedded [or wed]>

1. we'd = we had, have

2. we'd = we would, would

Siehe auch: would, will2, will1, have

would [wʊd] VERB Aux pt von will

I.have [həv, stressed: hæv] has, had, had has, had, had VERB trans

II.have [həv, stressed: hæv] has, had, had has, had, had VERB Aux (indicates perfect tense)

1. day:

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On her wedding day, one of the guests mentioned that her parents weren't married when she was conceived.
However, on the wedding day, she can not go through with it.
The wedding day dawns and there is firing.
On the beginning of the wedding day, the participants are to get ready at the parlor's beauty shop.
Dressing the bride is an important task because the bride is to change into several outfits throughout her wedding day.
It all happens on his daughters wedding day.
This song is a wedding day number complete with the chorus imitating the sound of wedding bells.
On wedding day, both families provide animals and other food and bring it to the bride's home.
According to the costume, two brides meeting each other on their wedding day will bring bad luck.
This was a feast held before the wedding day, at which the bride made beer and sold it to the guests at a high price.

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