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fit1 [fɪt] SUBST

1. fit (attack):

Anfall m <-(e)s, -fälle>
epileptic fit

2. fit (brief spell of sickness):

Anfall m <-(e)s, -fälle>
coughing fit
Hustenanfall m <-(e)s, -fälle>

3. fit übtr ugs (outburst of rage):

[Wut]anfall m
to have [or throw] a fit
to have [or throw] a fit

4. fit (burst):

fit of laughter
Lachkrampf m <-(e)s, -krämpfe>
sich Akk kaputtlachen ugs

5. fit (caprice, mood):

Anwandlung f <-, -en>
in a fit of generosity

I . fit2 <-tt-> [fɪt] ADJ

4. fit (appropriate):


6. fit (ready, prepared):

to be fit to do sth
to be fit to drop

7. fit (healthy):

to keep fit

8. fit Brit sl (physically alluring):

geil sl


to be [as] fit as a fiddle [or Brit also flea] ugs (merry)
to be [as] fit as a fiddle [or Brit also flea] (healthy)
to laugh fit to burst ugs
to be fit to be tied Am
[vor Wut] kochen ugs

II . fit2 [fɪt] SUBST no pl

III . fit2 [fɪt] VERB trans

1. fit <fit [or fitted], fit [or fitted] > (be appropriate):

to fit sb/sth

3. fit <fit [or fitted], fit [or fitted] > (make correspond):

to fit sth to sth

4. fit <fitted [or fit], fitted [or fit] > MODE:

to fit sb
to fit a dress/a suit on sb

5. fit <fitted [or fit], fitted [or fit] > (mount):

to fit sth
to fit a bulb

6. fit <fitted [or fit], fitted [or fit] > (shape as required):

to fit sth

7. fit <fitted [or fit], fitted [or fit] > (position as required):

to fit sth

8. fit <fitted [or fit], fitted [or fit] > (supply):

to fit sth with sth


to fit the bill

IV . fit2 <fit [or fitted], fit [or fitted]> [fɪt] VERB intr

3. fit (have required characteristics):

to fit into sth
zu etw Dat passen
to fit into sth (adapt)
sich Akk in etw Akk einfügen


ˈcough·ing fit SUBST

coughing fit
Hustenanfall m <-(e)s, -fälle>

faint·ing fit [ˈfeɪntɪŋ-] SUBST

fainting fit
Ohnmachtsanfall m <-(e)s, -fälle>
to have a fainting fit

fight·ing ˈfit ADJ präd

I . fit in VERB intr

1. fit in (get on well in group):

fit in
to fit in with a team

II . fit in VERB trans

fit up VERB trans

1. fit up (position furnishings somewhere):

to fit sth up room

2. fit up (provide necessary equipment):

to fit sb up

3. fit up Brit sl (frame, rig accusations):

to fit sb up
jdn anschwärzen ugs abw

ˈfit-out SUBST

hissy fit [ˈhɪsiˌfɪt] SUBST Am ugs

keep-ˈfit SUBST no pl

1. keep-fit Brit, Aus (exercising):

2. keep-fit Am (physical fitness):

match-ˈfit ADJ SPORT

ˈpush-fit ADJ TECH

Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He laboriously persists in grappling with small-time dealers and fixers while being left in the lurch again and again by his colleagues Ruedi, Dani and Marco.

Strähl hides his loneliness and his yearning for love behind fits of rage, amphetamines and shouting fits until his choleric temperament finally becomes his undoing: as he ’ s conducting a house search, a fixer jumps out of the window.

Strähl is suspended.


Mühselig schlägt er sich mit Kleindealern und Fixern herum und wird zu allem Überdruss auch noch von seinen Kollegen Ruedi, Dani und Marco im Stich gelassen.

Seine Einsamkeit und seine Sehnsucht nach Liebe versteckt Strähl hinter Wutanfällen, Aufputschmitteln und Geschrei, bis ihm schliesslich sein cholerisches Temperament zum Verhängnis wird: bei einer Hausdurchsuchung fliegt ein Fixer aus dem Fenster.

Strähl wird suspendiert.


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