turn to im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für turn to im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für turn to im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.turn [Brit təːn, Am tərn] SUBST

1. turn (opportunity, in rotation):

5. turn (change, development):

I.attach [Brit əˈtatʃ, Am əˈtætʃ] VERB trans

II.attach [Brit əˈtatʃ, Am əˈtætʃ] VERB intr form

I.steel [Brit stiːl, Am stil] SUBST

II.steel [Brit stiːl, Am stil] VERB trans TECH

I.hurt [Brit həːt, Am hərt] SUBST

II.hurt [Brit həːt, Am hərt] ADJ

III.hurt <Past/Part Perf hurt> [Brit həːt, Am hərt] VERB trans

IV.hurt <Past/Part Perf hurt> [Brit həːt, Am hərt] VERB intr

I.pronounce [Brit prəˈnaʊns, Am prəˈnaʊns] VERB trans

II.pronounce [Brit prəˈnaʊns, Am prəˈnaʊns] VERB intr JUR

I.crown [Brit kraʊn, Am kraʊn] SUBST

I.flatten [Brit ˈflat(ə)n, Am ˈflætn] VERB trans

II.flatten [Brit ˈflat(ə)n, Am ˈflætn] VERB intr

IV.strain1 [Brit streɪn, Am streɪn] SUBST

2. strain (pressure):

turn to im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für turn to im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

II.to [tu:] infinitive particle

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Copies did contain publication errors -- page numbers that the reader was directed to turn to or turn back to were at times incorrect.
Eyes turn to one side or gaze widely open.
The homestretch is 1,095 feet long, and the far turn has a larger radius than the clubhouse turn to encourage acceleration into the homestretch.
No matter which way the pumps force the current to flow, the fish will immediately turn to face the oncoming current.
Before long, it was my turn to clamber onto the seemingly endless conveyer belt heading out of town.
The turn to technology in social studies of science.
While awaiting their turn to join one of the daily convoys to bring them home, Burundian former refugees are preparing themselves for a fresh start...
She lures children with cakes and sweets, pushes them into her oven, where they turn to gingerbread, and then eats them.
The dancers turn to face the back, in some sort of reverent or ceremonial action, as the curtain falls.
Once these embolisms are nucleated, the remaining water in the capillaries begins to turn to water vapor.

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