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I . wrong [rɒŋ, Am rɑ:ŋ] ADJ inv

1. wrong (not correct):

your clock is wrong
she's wrong in thinking that ...
I think we're going the wrong way

2. wrong präd (amiss):

is there anything wrong?
what's wrong with you today?

3. wrong (morally reprehensible):

it was wrong of her to ...

II . wrong [rɒŋ, Am rɑ:ŋ] ADV inv

1. wrong (incorrectly):

to spell sth wrong

2. wrong (in a morally reprehensible way):


3. wrong (amiss):

to go wrong things
to go wrong people

III . wrong [rɒŋ, Am rɑ:ŋ] SUBST

1. wrong no pl (moral reprehensibility):

a sense of right and wrong
to know right from wrong


to be in the wrong (mistaken)
sich Akk irren

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I believe people can feel and hear when music is dishonest and motivated by the wrong reasons.
They carry on a furtive relationship which leaves him torn between the passion, and knowing that he is doing something wrong.
There are dark, harmonious, and sonorous things that envelop you in a mystery that it is wrong to illumine.
Have you ever been standing in line to pay a cashier when something went wrong with the electronic cash register?
Each time though, he's reverted back to the perfectly sculpted quiff which he just can't go wrong with.
These "wrong" intercessors, with their passionate prayers for the unborn, had no idea they were rattling chains hidden deep within my heart every time they prayed.
Without it, the code may deadlock if values were coming in the wrong order.
If you're feeling especially cruel, tot up the wrong guesses while the other team is playing and make them all drink a finger for every one.
Principled pacifism holds that violence of any form is an inappropriate response to conflict, and is morally wrong.
The relief column marches on towards the fort but heat, lack of water and a sand castle building competition gone wrong decimates the force to a handful.

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