sleep in im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für sleep in im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.sleep [Brit sliːp, Am slip] SUBST

1. sleep:

II.sleep <Prät, Part Passé slept> [Brit sliːp, Am slip] VERB trans

III.sleep <Prät, Part Passé slept> [Brit sliːp, Am slip] VERB intr

I.full [Brit fʊl, Am fʊl] ADJ

1. full (completely filled):

plein à craquer ugs

II.full [Brit fʊl, Am fʊl] ADV

I.favour Brit, favor Am [Brit ˈfeɪvə, Am ˈfeɪvər] SUBST

2. favour (kindness):

do me a favour! wörtl
to return a favour wörtl, to return the favour iron

III.favour Brit, favor Am [Brit ˈfeɪvə, Am ˈfeɪvər] VERB trans

I.term [Brit təːm, Am tərm] SUBST

1. terms (conditions):

termes mpl
terms HANDEL
terms of trade HANDEL, WIRTSCH
on easy terms HANDEL

I.effect [Brit ɪˈfɛkt, Am əˈfɛkt] SUBST

IV.effect [Brit ɪˈfɛkt, Am əˈfɛkt] VERB trans

I.case1 [Brit keɪs, Am keɪs] SUBST

Siehe auch: rest, headcase [Brit rɛst, Am rɛst] SUBST [Brit pleɪs, Am pleɪs] SUBST

1. place (location, position):

2. place (town, hotel etc):

Siehe auch: take place

I.public [Brit ˈpʌblɪk, Am ˈpəblɪk] SUBST

II.public [Brit ˈpʌblɪk, Am ˈpəblɪk] ADJ


I.chief [Brit tʃiːf, Am tʃif] SUBST

II.chief [Brit tʃiːf, Am tʃif] ADJ attr

V.chief [Brit tʃiːf, Am tʃif]

sleep in im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für sleep in im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

Siehe auch: out, in between

out → out of

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The famed miser was also known to sleep in the same worn garments he wore during the day.
He kept waking at 5 am, panicking that he had overslept and remembering that he could sleep in as long as he liked.
They sleep in rat-infested bunks and are fed only twice a day.
If you can't buy her diamonds, she'll understand; but if you give her a gift-wrapped mop instead, be prepared to sleep in the dog house.
The pampered hedgie can sleep in a fleecy castle house with drawbridge or wear a lavender tutu or shark costume.
It is, or was, one of travel's defining pleasures: being rocked to sleep in your couchette as a gigantic nightscape spools by, knowing your journey has barely begun.
They primarily sleep in rock crevices and buildings.
Two prisoners would sleep in the bunks with the third sleeping on a mattress on the floor.
We sleep in our tents, but our tents are never up with the regiment for some time after we reach our new camping ground.
During his travels he would stay over at temples or sleep in the open wilderness, scrounging by as a beggar.

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