Englisch » Deutsch

sound1 [saʊnd] SUBST

Meerenge f <-, -n>
Sund m <-(e)s, -e>
Meeresarm m <-(e)s, -e>

I . sound2 [saʊnd] SUBST

2. sound LING:

Laut m <-(e)s, -e>

3. sound no pl PHYS:

Schall m <-(e)s> kein pl

6. sound (characteristic of musicians' style):

Sound m <-s, -s>

7. sound no pl (impression):

II . sound2 [saʊnd] SUBST modifier

2. sound PHYS:


II . sound3 [saʊnd] ADV

ˈsound ar·chives SUBST Pl

ˈsound bite SUBST

ˈsound en·gi·neer SUBST

ˈsound film SUBST

Tonfilm m <-(e)s, -e>

sound ˈprac·tice SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

that sounds like fun
sounds of revelry
that sounds good
he sounds Canadian
that sounds fun
sounds of merriment
he sounds adenoidal
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some recreate sounds of animals with great fidelity.
Consonants are those sounds that have audible friction or closure at some point within the upper vocal tract.
For synthesizing harmonic sounds, the modulating signal must have a harmonic relationship to the original carrier signal.
It starts like a rock version of a folk song and as you settle into the groove comes the list, which sounds like a fishmonger's list of goods.
These particular communities use vocal sounds and movements with their music as well.
The game features realistic sounds and voices from the movie.
I found some other sounds and then heard some sax in there and used that.
The string of phonetic sounds can be plausibly broken up in multiple ways -- and if you're not familiar with the requisite proper noun, you may find yourself making an error.
Paz thinks that sounds like a long time and runs and hides in his tree house.
Then different sounds were amalgamated, care being taken, however, to caress the ear with gentle harmonies.

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