hall of residence im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für hall of residence im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

residence [Brit ˈrɛzɪd(ə)ns, Am ˈrɛz(ə)dəns] SUBST

Siehe auch: hall of residence

hall [Brit hɔːl, Am hɔl] SUBST

3. hall ADMIN (offices) → city hall

Siehe auch: town hall, concert hall, city hall, Assembly

I.course [Brit kɔːs, Am kɔrs] SUBST

2. course (route):

cap m
to be on or hold or steer a course LUFTF, NAUT
to be on course for wörtl
to be on course for übtr
to change course (gen) wörtl
to change course LUFTF, NAUT
to set (a) course for LUFTF, NAUT

II.course [Brit kɔːs, Am kɔrs] VERB trans JAGD

of [Brit ɒv, (ə)v, Am əv] PRÄP

Siehe auch: late, old

I.late [Brit leɪt, Am leɪt] ADJ

1. late (after expected time):


2. late (towards end of day, season, life etc):


II.late [Brit leɪt, Am leɪt] ADV

2. late (towards end of time period):

à tout à l'heure!

I.old [Brit əʊld, Am oʊld] SUBST The irregular form vieil of the adjective vieux/vieille is used before masculine nouns beginning with a vowel or a mute ‘h’.

III.old [Brit əʊld, Am oʊld] ADJ

2. old (of a particular age):

I.all [Brit ɔːl, Am ɔl] PRON

1. all (everything):

all will be revealed scherzh
vous saurez tout scherzh

II.all [Brit ɔːl, Am ɔl] DET

III.all [Brit ɔːl, Am ɔl] ADV

IV.all [Brit ɔːl, Am ɔl] SUBST

2. all+ (in the highest degree) → all-consuming

it's all go ugs here! Brit
it's all up with us ugs Brit
all in Brit sl
all in Brit sl

Siehe auch: place, worst, thing, people, best, bad, all-important, all-embracing, all-consuming

I.place [Brit pleɪs, Am pleɪs] SUBST

1. place (location, position):

2. place (town, hotel etc):

I.worst [Brit wəːst, Am wərst] SUBST

1. worst (most difficult, unpleasant):

le/la pire m/f

II.worst [Brit wəːst, Am wərst] ADJ superlative of bad

III.worst [Brit wəːst, Am wərst] ADV

IV.worst [Brit wəːst, Am wərst] VERB trans form

I.thing [Brit θɪŋ, Am θɪŋ] SUBST

1. thing (object):

truc m ugs
à quoi sert ce truc? ugs

2. thing (action, task, event):

3. thing (matter, fact):

the thing is, (that) …
ce qu'il y a, c'est que
ce qu'il y a de bien, c'est que

2. things (situation, circumstances, matters):

III.thing [Brit θɪŋ, Am θɪŋ]

to make a big thing (out) of it ugs

I.people [Brit ˈpiːp(ə)l, Am ˈpipəl] SUBST (nation) gens is masculine plural and never countable (you CANNOT say ‘trois gens’). When used with gens, some adjectives such as vieux, bon, mauvais, petit, vilain placed before gens take the feminine form: les vieilles gens.

II.people [Brit ˈpiːp(ə)l, Am ˈpipəl] SUBST Plsubst

1. people:

gens mpl

III.people [Brit ˈpiːp(ə)l, Am ˈpipəl] VERB trans liter

I.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] SUBST

II.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] ADJ superlative of good

1. best (most excellent or pleasing):

III.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] ADV

best superlative of well

IV.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] VERB trans (defeat, outdo)

I.bad [Brit bad, Am bæd] SUBST

II.bad <comp worse, superl worst> [Brit bad, Am bæd] ADJ

1. bad (poor, inferior, incompetent, unacceptable):

bad attr joke
not bad ugs

III.bad [Brit bad, Am bæd] ADV ugs esp Am

I.late [Brit leɪt, Am leɪt] ADJ

1. late (after expected time):


2. late (towards end of day, season, life etc):


II.late [Brit leɪt, Am leɪt] ADV

2. late (towards end of time period):

à tout à l'heure!

hall of residence im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für hall of residence im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

residence [ˈrezɪdəns] SUBST a. form

of [əv, stressed: ɒv] PRÄP

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is the closest hall of residence to the main university buildings.
Students either to reside in or are attached to a hall of residence.
Following its closure as a music venue, proposals for the site included use as an office and restaurant complex, or a students' hall of residence.
It was the first permanent hall of residence.
Extensive development work took place on the university campus during 2013, refurbishing existing accommodation and providing a brand new 4.3m hall of residence.
Also, a local housing association has named a large student hall of residence after her.
The hall also promotes academic events as well as the wide range of social events expected of any hall of residence.
The college was originally licensed by the university as a hall of residence, becoming a college in 1919.
It was established in the 1950s as a male hall of residence.
It was re-opened as a postgraduate hall of residence in 1951, and is now home to some 50 students.

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