uncared for im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für uncared for im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.free [Brit friː, Am fri] SUBST a. free period SCHULE

II.free [Brit friː, Am fri] ADJ

1. free (unhindered, unrestricted):

2. free (not captive or tied):

III.free [Brit friː, Am fri] ADV

Siehe auch: trouble-free, tax-free, lunch, lead-free, country

trouble-free [Brit ˌtrʌb(ə)lˈfriː, Am ˌtrəblˈfri] ADJ

I.lunch [Brit lʌn(t)ʃ, Am lən(t)ʃ] SUBST

II.lunch [Brit lʌn(t)ʃ, Am lən(t)ʃ] VERB intr

lead-free [Brit lɛdˈfriː, Am lɛdˈfri] ADJ

country [Brit ˈkʌntri, Am ˈkəntri] SUBST

I.for [Brit fɔː, fə, Am fɔr, fər] PRÄP

3. for (indicating purpose):

5. for (indicating cause or reason):

13. for (indicating duration):

II.for [Brit fɔː, fə, Am fɔr, fər] KONJ form

III.for [Brit fɔː, fə, Am fɔr, fər]

Siehe auch: nothing

I.nothing [Brit ˈnʌθɪŋ, Am ˈnəθɪŋ] PRON

1. nothing:


2. nothing (emphasizing insignificance):

5. nothing (emphatic: setting up comparisons):

II.nothing [Brit ˈnʌθɪŋ, Am ˈnəθɪŋ] ADV

III.nothing [Brit ˈnʌθɪŋ, Am ˈnəθɪŋ] ADJ

IV.nothing [Brit ˈnʌθɪŋ, Am ˈnəθɪŋ] SUBST

VIII.nothing [Brit ˈnʌθɪŋ, Am ˈnəθɪŋ]

I.most [Brit məʊst, Am moʊst] DET When used to form the superlative of adjectives most is translated by le plus or la plus depending on the gender of the noun and by les plus with plural noun: the most beautiful woman in the room = la plus belle femme de la pièce; the most expensive hotel in Paris = l'hôtel le plus cher de Paris; the most difficult problems = les problèmes les plus difficiles. For examples and further uses see the entry below.

II.most [Brit məʊst, Am moʊst] PRON

III.most [Brit məʊst, Am moʊst] ADV

VII.most [Brit məʊst, Am moʊst]

I.keep [Brit kiːp, Am kip] SUBST

II.keep <Prät, Part Passé kept> [Brit kiːp, Am kip] VERB trans

III.keep <Prät, Part Passé kept> [Brit kiːp, Am kip] VERB intr

Siehe auch: clear

I.clear [Brit klɪə, Am ˈklɪr] SUBST

II.clear [Brit klɪə, Am ˈklɪr] ADJ

III.clear [Brit klɪə, Am ˈklɪr] ADV (away from)

I.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] SUBST

2. good (benefit):

III.good <comp better, superl best> [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] ADJ

15. good (competent):

VI.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd] INTERJ

VII.good [Brit ɡʊd, Am ɡʊd]

Siehe auch: well2, well1, Sunday best, better2, better1, best

I.well2 [Brit wɛl, Am wɛl] SUBST

well → well up

I.well1 <comp better; superl best> [Brit wɛl, Am wɛl] ADJ

2. well (in satisfactory state, condition):

II.well1 <comp better; superl best> [Brit wɛl, Am wɛl] ADV

1. well (satisfactorily):

2. well (used with modal verbs):

it may well be that + Subj

3. well (intensifier):

III.well1 [Brit wɛl, Am wɛl] INTERJ

better2 [Brit ˈbɛtə, Am ˈbɛdər] SUBST

I.better1 [Brit ˈbɛtə, Am ˈbɛdər] SUBST When better is used as an adjective it is translated by meilleur or mieux depending on the context (see below, and note that meilleur is the comparative form of bon, mieux the comparative form of bien). The translation of the construction to be better than varies depending on whether bon or bien works originally with the noun collocate: their wine is better than our wine = leur vin est meilleur que le nôtre; her new apartment is better than her old one = son nouvel appartement est mieux que l'ancien; his new film is better than his last one = son nouveau film est mieux or meilleur que le précédent (both bon and bien work with the collocate in this last example). Other constructions may be translated as follows: this is a better bag/car = ce sac/cette voiture est mieux; it is better to do = il vaut mieux faire or il est mieux de faire.
As an adverb, better can almost always be translated by mieux. For more examples and particular usages, see the entry below.

II.better1 [Brit ˈbɛtə, Am ˈbɛdər] ADJ comparative of good

1. better (more pleasing, satisfactory):

III.better1 [Brit ˈbɛtə, Am ˈbɛdər] ADV comparative of well

2. better (more advisably or appropriately):

ou mieux, …

IV.better1 [Brit ˈbɛtə, Am ˈbɛdər] VERB trans

V.better1 [Brit ˈbɛtə, Am ˈbɛdər] VERB refl

I.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] SUBST

II.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] ADJ superlative of good

1. best (most excellent or pleasing):

III.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] ADV

best superlative of well

IV.best [Brit bɛst, Am bɛst] VERB trans (defeat, outdo)

uncared for im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für uncared for im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

I.for [fɔ:ʳ, Am fɔ:r] PRÄP

II.for [fɔ:ʳ, Am fɔ:r] KONJ form

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are too many persons in pockets of this country who feel unloved, who feel uncared for.
After a bank evicts a property owner, the house can go uncared for over months or even years.
Then they grow up, uncared for and not properly equipped for life in this country.
They have recently stopped clearing weeds in the streets so weeds accumulate and streets looked uncared for leading to more dumping of rubbish.
He gathered, from attics and disused rooms, many volumes lying idle and uncared for and gave them proper house room, and took in hand the task of compiling a catalogue.
I have the feeling it's simply uncared for, underutilized, sometimes ignored, and other times not understood as a worthwhile aesthetic value.
The relative was unhappy and felt uncared for.
The kids are left behind, unattended and uncared for.
Left in pain -- unfed, unwashed and uncared for.
Between 1963 and 1975 the home and the acreage it is on was uncared for and dilapidated, and some labeled it a haunted house during this vacancy.

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